When Carnival cruise lines had such low prices on cruises we booked a couple of future cruises for next year. We have one booked for Jamaica, San Cruises and Cozumel in Jan 2022, but because of Covid Omicron they sent me an email saying they have to change the ports to the same ports we just did on our last cruise in Oct  Belize, Coastal Mya and Cozumel, not a good start to the new year.   We also took up square dancing and booked a cruise in Feb to see the pacific side of Mexico, Port of Viarta, Mazalon, and San Rios. This also was at a very good price hopefully they won’t change or cancel it as we are very much looking forward to the square dancing on a ship.

All we have been doing is working and social distancing and wearing a face diaper for way to long for my liking. We are going a little stir crazy like people get cooped up and can’t leave their home on quarantine when they fill fine for 2 weeks, they now changed that to 1 week if you are no longer running a fever. I have to change the engine in my wife’s Excursion as the compression on a couple of cylinders has gotten low enough that it won’t start unless engine cold weather block heater has been plugged in for a couple of hours. She does have over 400K miles on it and it still runs great after it starts, but we can’t take it on any trips unless we know we can plug it in. Because of Covid we have lost two of our parents last year, I’m sure we aren’t the only people who can say that. Like in New York when they put Covid sick patients in nursing homes to killing off a whole lot of retired persons on pensions or state Medicare, I wonder if that brilliant person will ever be held accountable for that stupidity or I wonder if it wasn’t planned that way thinking the Walmart shoppers of New York would never be smart enough to catch the fact that it was all about the money. I would suspect not as we don’t hear about Beijing Biden’s son’s computer any more or the Borissma investigation into the U.S tax payer money dropped off that still is not accounted for.  Or the server with secret documents in the closet or erased data, or Russia being able to not only purchase but get some of the US supply of plutonium to their country or some ware? the loss of one of our ambassador’s that hasn’t happened in a very long time any of those would have sent anyone of us Walmart shoppers to prison for the remainder of our lives or worst, but after such a great job she got to run on that GOOD record (because of the press looking the other way) for the president of the United States the greatest nation in the world at some time in the past when the corrupt were punished rich or poor!